Piano Competition Results

MMW 2023 Finalists:

Copy of Piano Comp. Flyer  (8.5 × 5.5 in) - 1

Benefits of Piano Competition

Piano competitions can be beneficial for children:
Motivation and goal-setting: Competitions can motivate children to practice harder and set goals for themselves. Knowing that they have a competition coming up can give them a concrete goal to work towards, which can help them stay focused and motivated.
Learning new repertoire:  Learning new pieces allows pianists to expand their repertoire and showcase versatility in different musical styles and genres. 
Feedback and improvement: Competitions allow children to receive feedback on their playing from experienced judges. This feedback can help them identify areas where they need to improve and give them specific goals.
Performance experience: Competitions can provide children with valuable performance experience, which can help them build confidence and develop their stage presence.
The 2023 participants were well prepared, and all pieces were memorized, There was 100% attendance, and students arrived dressed to impress.  Thanks to all who participated in the annual MMW competition.
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